Rising Trend: NRIs as Key Players in India's Real Estate Market

September 8, 2023

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The real estate market in India is undergoing a significant transformation, and one notable trend is the increasing influence of Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) in property investments. These individuals, residing abroad while maintaining strong ties to their homeland, are recognizing the immense potential of the Indian real estate sector.
Top Locations for NRIs to Buy

NRIs have shown a keen interest in purchasing properties in various cities across India, including both Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities. These locations offer diverse opportunities and investment potential.

Tier 1 cities includes Gurugram, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Mumbai and Tier 2 cities includes Ahmedabad, Chandigarh, Pune, Kochi.

Overview of trends and Statistics
  • The weakening of the Indian rupee against major foreign currencies is one of the main factors that has boosted the NRI buyers’ interest in Indian real estate. NRIs can benefit from their foreign currency and buy properties at comparatively lower costs in India. Another notable trend is the growing preference for luxury properties among NRIs.
  • The COVID-19 pandemic has also influenced the NRI buyers’ decision to invest in Indian real estate. The pandemic has created a lot of uncertainty and disruption in the global markets, and made many NRIs look for more reliable and safe investment options.
  • According to Knight Frank's Wealth Report 2021, India ranks fourth in the world in terms of the number of billionaires. Many of these wealthy NRIs are interested in investing in premium residential projects in India, either for their own use or as long-term assets.
Tax Considerations for NRIs

Understanding the tax implications is crucial for NRI investors. Income tax, TDS, DTAA agreements, and GST are key aspects that NRIs should be aware of when investing in Indian real estate. Here are the key tax aspects for NRI buyers:

  • Income Tax Aspects NRIs are liable to pay income tax in India on any income earned from properties they own in the country. This includes rental income, capital gains on property sales, and deemed income from vacant properties.
  • TDS (Tax Deducted at Source): The buyer is required to deduct TDS at the relevant rates and deposit it to the income tax department. Non-compliance with TDS provisions can result in penalties and legal actions.
  • Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements (DTAA): India has signed DTAA agreements with several countries to prevent double taxation. NRIs can take advantage of these agreements by claiming foreign tax credits or exemptions in their home country based on the taxes paid in India. Understanding the DTAA provisions between India and their resident country can help NRIs reduce their tax liabilities effectively.
  • Goods and Services Tax (GST): The introduction of GST in the Indian real estate sector has brought about significant changes. NRIs need to be aware of the GST's applicability to the purchase of under-construction properties and understand the rates and exemptions based on the property's value and location.
Implications and Future Outlook on Trends

The increasing number of NRI buyers has significant implications for the Indian real estate market, from stimulating economic growth to influencing property development. The future outlook remains promising, driven by emotional connections and investor-friendly government policies.

  • The Indian real estate market benefits from the growing number of NRI buyers, who contribute to its growth and stability.
  • NRI investments spur the creation of new projects, infrastructure, and services, generating employment opportunities and driving economic growth.
  • The NRI buyers also increase property values, as they opt for luxury properties and are ready to pay a premium for quality assets. This benefits developers and existing property owners while ensuring high-quality project delivery and fostering healthy competition.
  • They have also influenced property development, with developers meeting their specific demands and preferences. This has enhanced the overall standard of living and introduced innovative designs and architectural styles.
  • Looking ahead, the NRI buyers have a bright future in the Indian real estate market, driven by the Indian diaspora's emotional bond to their homeland and the country's economic potential. The government's efforts to simplify regulations and create an investor-friendly environment will likely maintain the trend of increasing NRI buyers.
As NRIs continue to play a prominent role in India's real estate market, they contribute to its growth and development. Their investments not only benefit the sector but also have far-reaching impacts on the economy and property development, making them a vital force in shaping India's real estate landscape. The future holds promise as the government strives to create a favorable environment for NRI investors, ensuring the trend continues to rise.
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