How to Choose a Home That Brings You Peace, Prosperity, and Happiness According to Vastu Shastra

September 14, 2023

    Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian system of architecture that is based on the belief that the physical structure of a building can have a positive or negative impact on the people who live there. By following the principles of Vastu Shastra, you can create a home that is not only beautiful but also conducive to health, wealth, and happiness.

    Here are some of the most important Vastu tips for homebuyers:

    • Choose the right direction for your main entrance. The main entrance is considered to be the mouth of the home, and it is important to make sure that it is facing in a direction that is auspicious for the residents. According to Vastu Shastra, the best directions for the main entrance are north, east, or northeast.
    • Make your living room vibrant and harmonious. The living room is where you spend most of your time with your family and guests, so it is important to create a space that is both comfortable and inviting. Vastu Shastra suggests that the living room should be located in the north or east direction of the house, and that it should have plenty of natural light and ventilation.
    • Create a serene and restful bedroom. The bedroom is where you relax and recharge, so it is important to create a space that is conducive to sleep and peace. Vastu Shastra recommends that the bedroom should be located in the southwest direction of the house, and that the bed should be placed in a way that the head faces south or east.
    • Design a nourishing and healthy kitchen. The kitchen is where you prepare food for your family, so it is important to create a space that is both hygienic and functional. Vastu Shastra suggests that the kitchen should be located in the southeast or northwest direction of the house, and that the stove should be placed in the southeast corner.
    • Maintain a clean and functional bathroom and toilet. The bathroom and toilet are places where you cleanse yourself, so it is important to keep them clean and well-maintained. Vastu Shastra recommends that the bathroom and toilet should be located in the north or west direction of the house, and that they should have proper drainage and ventilation.
    • Add some natural elements to connect with nature. Nature has a calming and restorative effect on the mind and body, so it is beneficial to bring some natural elements into your home. Vastu Shastra suggests that you can add plants, water features, or paintings of nature to your home.
    • Declutter regularly to free up space and energy. Clutter can block the flow of energy in your home, so it is important to declutter regularly. You can donate, sell, or recycle things that you do not need or use anymore.

    By following these simple Vastu tips, you can create a home that is not only beautiful but also conducive to health, wealth, and happiness.

    Here are some additional tips that you can follow to create a Vastu-compliant home:

    • Use light colors in the north and east directions, and dark colors in the south and west directions.
    • Keep the front door clean and well-maintained.
    • Avoid placing sharp objects or mirrors in the bedroom.
    • Plant a money plant in the northeast corner of your home.
    • Keep your home clean and organized.

    By following these tips, you can create a home that is a source of joy and abundance for you and your family.

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